Employment and Industrial Relations Law

COVID-19 Updates – Repealing Regulations

04 Jun 2020

3 min read

By means of Legal Notice 232 of 2020 which was published on the 3rd of June 2020, the following orders and regulations, issued under the Public Health Act, have been repealed as from the 5th of June 2020:

  1. Closure of Places Open to the Public Order (S.L. 465.21);
  2. Enforcement of the Order relating to Closure Places Open to the Public Regulations (S.L. 465.24);
  3. Closure of Non-essential Retail Outlets and Outlets Providing Non-essential Services Order (S.L. 465.27);
  4. Enforcement of the order relating to Closure of Non-essential Retail Outlets and Outlets Providing Non-essential Services Regulations (S.L. 465.28);
  5. Protection of Vulnerable Persons Order (S.L. 465.33);
  6. Number of Persons in Public Spaces (Increase in Number of Persons) Order (S.L. 465.41) – Following the revocation of this order, in terms of Legal Notice 233 of 2020 issued on the 3rd of June 2020, the Superintendent of Public Health orders that in public spaces the gathering of masses shall not exceed more than seventy five (75) persons, as from the 5th of June 2020;
  7. Closure of the Local Tribunals Order: Provided that:
    • any legal, judicial or administrative time-limit for  the  filing  of  any  acts  before  the  local tribunals,  suspended  by  the  above  order  hereby repealed, shall remain so suspended for a period of twenty (20) days from the date of coming into force of these regulations
    • any service  of  summons,  suspended  by the  above  Order  hereby  repealed,  shall  remain  so suspended until a period of ten (10) days from the date of coming into force of these regulations;
  8. Closure of the Courts of Justice Order: Provided that:
    • The suspension of the time limits as in force prior to the coming into force of this Order for the filing of any acts before a court following the  conclusion  of  any  proceedings  before  any  Tribunal, board, commission, committee or other entity which does not operate from  a  building  of the Courts  of Justice shall  remain  in  force for twenty (20) days from the coming into force of this order.
    • The suspension  of  time  limits  as  in  force  prior  to  the coming into force of this order for the filing of any acts before a court or other tribunal, board, commission, committee or other entity which operates from the building of the Courts of Justice shall remain in force for a period of seven (7) days from the coming into force of this order.

Should you have any queries in relation to the above, please feel free to contact us on employment@gvzh.mt
